Allison Pest Control

Students Could Win $3,000 For Pest Public Service Announcement

Schools are now in full session, and everyone knows that school budgets are always in need of a financial boost.  New Jersey pest control experts would like to inform New Jersey schools that they now have the opportunity to win $3,000 for their school thanks to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).

The NPMA is having their 3rd Annual National Pest PSA Contest sponsored by the Professional Pest Management Alliance, which is an educational branch of the NPMA.  Students in grades 4 through 8 from across the United States are challenged to create a public service announcement (PSA) that will be aired on television.

Contest entries must be either 30 or 60 seconds in length and must focus on the health and property risks posed by the household pests that are chosen for the public service announcement.  Students may choose to focus their attention on one specific pesky creature or focus on several pests that are plaguing American households.

Judging the PSA’s is based upon:
(#1) Originality and Creativity – 40%
(#2) Adherence to Creative Assignment and Health Messaging – 40%
(#3) Overall Appeal – 20%

The National Pest PSA Contest begins on September 6, 2011 and will end on Friday, December 23, 2011 at 11:59 PM EST.  Careful consideration will be given to the entrants and five finalists will be chosen from the entries received in January.  The five finalists and their public service announcements will be posted on the PestWorldForKids finalist page in January of 2012.  The winning entry will receive $3,000 for their school’s science department!  A complete set of instructions on how to complete the PSA, how to make your submission, and contest rules is on the NPMA’s PestWorldForKids website.

The NPMA’s PestWorldForKids offers teachers and students a vast array of information about a variety of pests.  Stop by their website and you’ll find a detailed pest guide, pest games, report writing information, science fair kits, and helpful lesson plans too.

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