Tag: household insects
What Are Ants Eating in My Spotless Kitchen?
According to PestWorld.org, ants are America’s number one nuisance pest. They frequently get into your home through the tiniest of crevices, and even though you might be considering calling Freehold exterminators to get rid of them, what you’d really like to know is why are they attracted to your kitchen when you try to keep…
NJ Cockroaches…Adaptable, Annoying, and Gross
Dealing with the most adaptable insect in the world is difficult for any homeowner which is why most people who find cockroaches in their home turn to a Monmouth County, NJ exterminator. Besides being a despised bug, cockroaches are known to transmit diseases to humans and will trigger allergens in those who are susceptible, especially…
Camel Back Crickets Can Really Freak You Out!
If you have ever opened up your shed or peaked into your crawl space, the sight of camel back crickets would surely make you jump. Camel back crickets, also known as cave crickets, have an odd looking appearance due to the slightly protruding hump on their back. The legs on these nuisance pests are longer…
Beware Of House Hunting Roaches
Cockroach infestations can become a surprise for anyone who has a house, condo, apartment or business. Even with the most pristine living conditions, cockroaches can enter a structure at any moment in time report Monmouth County, NJ exterminator professionals. Cockroaches are always on the hunt for a new place to call home. These pests are…
Pavement Ants Like To Make NJ Homes Their Home
When spending time outdoors many New Jersey residents may notice small mounds of dirt or sand that appear in between bricks, in driveway cracks, or along the seams of cement slabs. While the mounds of dirt that appear may look small, they are a clear indication that the small brown or black pavement ants are…
The Reason Why People Are Afraid Of Cockroaches
Cockroaches are one of the most feared insects in New Jersey as well as throughout the world. They are believed to date back to antiquity and have the amazing ability to adapt to the environmental changes throughout the years. Cockroaches have the ability to resist adverse conditions, especially when humans are in hot pursuit. There…