Tag: household insects

  • Pavement Ants Are Small But Pack A Wallop!

    There is a wide variety of nuisance ants that exist throughout the United States.  Some types of ants prefer to live outdoors, others live outdoors and  will move indoors as they forage for food, and some types of ant colonies can only survive by living indoors. Pavement ants are considered to be a nuisance ant. …

  • Avoiding Argentine Ants With A NJ Pest Control Expert Part 2 Of 2

    Continuing from Friday… Argentine ants are omnivores which mean that they will eat most anything that they come across.  When massive colonies have been in place outdoors, these pests have proven to be a serious problem for most types of insects that they encounter.  Outdoors they seek out insects that emit sweet food such as…

  • Carpenter Ants…The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

    Research has shown that North America has nearly 1,000 different species of ants.  Scientists named the Black Carpenter Ant in 1773.  It was the first ant species to be named in North America. Most ants should not be considered pests and in fact should be considered to be beneficial insects.  Ants play a vital role…

  • Why Do Carpenter Bees Stare At Me?

    Anyone who has spent any amount of time outdoors working in the yard or garden, or relaxing on their deck can attest to the fact that big and bold carpenter bees are out and looking for a fight…or are they?  Male carpenter bees are the ones that are flexing their muscle this spring in New…

  • Carpenter Bee Interesting Facts

    The name “carpenter bee” is derived from the fact that these bees build their nests in wood.  Like other types of wood burrowing insects, carpenter bees can cause problems for home or business owners.  Carpenter bee nests can cause cosmetic damage and in severe infestations, over time, they can lead to structural damage. Here are…

  • Eliminating Carpenter Ants With A Monmouth County, NJ Exterminator

    As the springtime weather moves forward, New Jersey homeowners can expect to see carpenter ants on the move both inside and outside of their homes report Monmouth County exterminators.  Like other types of ant species, carpenter ants will look for food from a variety of different places.  Carpenter ants prefer sweets but like other scavenger…