Tag: household insects

  • Do You Fear Carpenter Bees In New Jersey?

    Carpenter bees in New Jersey are an imposing figure that can send both young and old folks running for cover.  Most people cannot tell the difference upon first glance between a carpenter bee and a bumble bee, and their large size doesn’t make them very endearing.  In the bee world however, they are relatively harmless…

  • Spring Awakens Eight-Legged Pests

    If you ask most people, spiders are not high on their list of insects that they are fond of.  In fact, some people are so afraid of spiders that they are diagnosed with having “arachnophobia”, which is otherwise known as “the fear of spiders”. Spiders come in many different sizes and colors.  Most spiders are…

  • Argentine Ants Come Marching In

    Argentine ants are a common household pest throughout the state of New Jersey report Monmouth County, NJ pest control professionals.  New Jersey residents will find that Argentine ants create shallow nesting sites in soil near buildings, beneath logs, wood, debris, potted plants, or under sidewalks.  Argentine ants are easy to distinguish from other types of…

  • Stink Bugs Don’t Taste Good!

    I can tell you from first-hand experience that the brown marmorated stink bug does not taste good!  Stink bugs are emerging from their overwintering spots in mass amounts.  They seem to like the insides of my house and I of course want them gone.  My cats have learned the hard way that these slow crawling…

  • The Odorous House Ant…A Nuisance Pest For All Types Of Structures

    While sitting in a room at the doctor’s office this week I noticed an ant crawling on the wall.  Being a pest control guru, my eye immediately began to look for more little critters creeping around.  To my surprise, there were many ants crawling in and out of a crack in the wall and creeping…

  • Watch Out…Little Insects…Big Troubles Part 2 Of 2

    Continuing from Wednesday… If beans are not available, researchers have found that these invasive pests will next turn to kudzu plants to feast upon.  Kudzu plants are considered to be an invasive plant that is extremely difficult to eradicate.  They are a powerful vine type weed that smothers all types of plants that they surround. …