Tag: household insects

  • Humans Practice Good Grooming…And So Do Insects!

    For many people the mere thought of insects brings about unpleasant thought patterns report Monmouth County, NJ pest control professionals.  Certain insects like ladybugs, praying mantis, butterflies, and even the honey bee are usually a bit more tolerated and well-liked by us human folks.  The mention of other types of creepy crawlers often causes anxiety,…

  • Cockroaches, They Are Gross And Interesting Creatures

    Cockroaches have been on the earth for over 350 million years report Monmouth County, NJ pest control professionals.  They are the ultimate insect survivors.  These pesky insects have learned how to adapt to all types of conditions that have been placed before them.  Homeowners are discovering that cockroaches are resistant to many store bought pesticides.  Many…

  • Expect Pesticide Changes Soon From The EPA

    There are many insecticides that are currently on the market for consumers that claim to eliminate household and outdoor dwelling pests such as bed bugs, ants, termites, mosquitoes, etc.  Some of these products are considered to be “green” while others are pesticides that are available in stores across the United States.  Recent studies have revealed…

  • The Cold Temps Are Not A Deterrent For Spiders Yet

    If you have spent any time outdoors picking up leaves and sticks or putting up holiday decorations you likely did not see many critters running to and fro, with the exception of squirrels that is.  If you look closely and slow down however, you might be surprised to find that there is one species still…

  • Fleas…A Year-Round Menace

    Guess what bug I am? I can jump up to 3 feet.  I do not fly.  I am happy living indoors or outdoors.  Once I am present, I multiply very quickly.  I am considered to be a parasite.  I can lie dormant in all life stages.  I am considered to be the worst disease carrier…

  • Cockroach Myth Busted!

    Cockroaches are one of the most feared and hated insects on the planet.  It’s not surprising though as cockroaches are known to multiply very quickly and will live in every nook and cranny in a home or business.  Cockroaches are known to transmit diseases to humans which make them a particularly dangerous pest to have…