Eliminating Carpenter Ants With A Monmouth County, NJ Exterminator

As the springtime weather moves forward, New Jersey homeowners can expect to see carpenter ants on the move both inside and outside of their homes report Monmouth County exterminators.  Like other types of ant species, carpenter ants will look for food from a variety of different places.  Carpenter ants prefer sweets but like other scavenger ants, they will eat whatever food or spilled liquid that they can find inside of a home.  Outdoors they will consume other insects and will dine on the sweet secretions emitted by aphids.  There are many different types of ants that exist in New Jersey so it may take the help of a Monmouth County exterminator to identify when carpenter ants are present.

Carpenter ants keep clean galleries in which they deposit their eggs so New Jersey homeowners should look for piles of sawdust that is discarded by the carpenter ant workers.  This sawdust is also called “frass”.  The damage from carpenter ants may be easier to identify than the damage from other wood destroying pests such as termites and carpenter bees.  Carpenter ant damage is often visible and not hidden like other invasive pests.

Carpenter ants can be distinguished by their large size.  In North America, carpenter ants are the largest type of ant species that exists.  These ants can be entirely black or black and red in color.

Protecting a home or business from carpenter ants in New Jersey is critical. An exterminator in Monmouth County, NJ will be able to help identify any type of destructive wood eating insect and find the proper way to eradicate the invasive pests.


