Category: Nuisance Insects

  • Mouse, Rat, and Rodent Proofing It’s Time to Get Busy!

    Now that the weather is getting colder, rats, mice and other rodents will be looking for warm places to stay through winter. This could end up being your NJ home if you don’t take steps to rodent proof it beforehand. Our Monmouth County pest control experts offer the following tips on protecting your home from…

  • Ants Inside and Rain – There Is a Connection

    Many species of ants in NJ do just fine living outdoors and building nests in the ground or in other areas outside. However, rainy weather can force these pests to enter residential buildings. Find out more about the connection between an increase in rainy weather and a higher chance of having an indoor ant problem…

  • What Happens to NJ Mosquitoes in the Fall and Winter?

    With summer drawing to a close, you might think you’re done dealing with mosquitoes and the health threats they pose, such as the Zika virus. However, these pests don’t necessarily die off when the weather gets cooler. Here’s why you might end up needing NJ pest control services for mosquitoes this fall. Mosquitoes in Fall…

  • It’s Box Elder Bug Season – What NJ Homeowners Need to Know

    As summer ends and fall arrives, box elder bugs become more active. These outdoor pests are ones that you might need NJ pest control services for if they become a nuisance, so it’s best to learn more about them. Box Elder Bug Appearance You can tell that you have box elder bugs if you see…

  • Keep the Bugs Away from Your Next Picnic with These Tips

    If you’re planning an end-of-summer picnic in your yard, don’t let bugs ruin it for you. There are several ways that you can keep insect pests at bay, so you can have a fun and enjoyable time. Keep Food and Drinks Covered Up Ants, wasps, flies and other bugs are attracted to the scent of…

  • What Should NJ Residents Know About Hornets?

    Hornets are among the most dangerous insects that NJ pest control services deal with during the summer months. These large stinging insects have painful stings and are known for being highly aggressive if their nests are threatened. Here’s some more information you should know about hornets in NJ. Behavior Hornets make nests with a mix of…