Category: Ants

  • Yes, Outdoor Ants Do “Hibernate” in the Winter

    Ants are a common sight outdoors in summer, but when it gets cold outside, you might notice that there aren’t any around. Where do these insects go during winter? Our pest control Wall NJ experts want you to know more about how outdoor ants spend the winter months. Outdoor Temperatures Affect Body Temperature When the…

  • What Happens to Ants in Winter in New Jersey?

    Ants are typically a big problem when it’s warm out, but where do they go when it gets cold? While it’s unlikely that you’ll see ants in your home during winter, it’s still a good idea to know what they’re up to when they get cold. Our Monmouth County pest control experts offer the following…

  • Ants Inside and Rain – There Is a Connection

    Many species of ants in NJ do just fine living outdoors and building nests in the ground or in other areas outside. However, rainy weather can force these pests to enter residential buildings. Find out more about the connection between an increase in rainy weather and a higher chance of having an indoor ant problem…

  • Why Winter Matters When It Comes to Spring, Summer and Fall Insect Populations

    The type of weather NJ has in certain seasons can increase the presence of some types of pests during other seasons. Winters in NJ help determine how much of a problem certain pests will be during spring, summer and fall. Warm, Dry Winters Mean Trouble NJ had a winter that was drier and warmer than…

  • Keep the Bugs Away from Your Next Picnic with These Tips

    If you’re planning an end-of-summer picnic in your yard, don’t let bugs ruin it for you. There are several ways that you can keep insect pests at bay, so you can have a fun and enjoyable time. Keep Food and Drinks Covered Up Ants, wasps, flies and other bugs are attracted to the scent of…

  • High Humidity Brings Out Swarms of Mosquitoes and Other Insect Pests

    High humidity levels are ideal for breeding mosquito populations. These insects, which keep NJ pest control services busy in summer, thrive in humid environments. This puts you and your family at risk of being bitten, which can also increase your risk of West Nile virus and other serious kinds of illnesses. Swarming Mosquitoes Mosquitoes have…