Allison Pest Control

Are You Afraid Of Insects? Call A NJ Pest Control Professional!

It’s a proven fact…many people hate bugs.  Some types of bugs are just an annoying pest when they infiltrate the home.  Other types of insects cause extreme fears in people.  Bees, wasps, spiders, bed bugs, and cockroaches can send people running for the hills report New Jersey pest control professionals.

The fears of insects can certainly be justified.  Bees and wasps can and will sting, causing a dangerous allergic reaction for some folks.  In the case of yellow jackets, they will sting you for no reason at all…just because!  The aftermath of their sting can be felt for hours, so it’s easy to see why people are afraid of these insects.  Spiders come in many sizes.  Some are venomous, some are not.  Some build elaborate webs while others can be found scurrying across the floor.  The fear of spiders is so great that the angst has a name…arachnophobia.

Bed bugs might only grow to be the size of an apple seed but once they infest a property, they can drive the sanest person insane!  Bed bugs will hide in any type of crack or crevice.  They come out at night, and like a vampire, they will suck your blood.  Any person can pick up or transmit bed bugs at any moment in time.  Eradicating bed bug infestations is quite a bit harder than bringing them home.  Once these tenacious bugs have made their home your home, it can take months of help from a licensed pest control professional to eradicate them fully.

Cockroaches are a formidable pest in both homes and businesses.  They are one of the most successful pests on earth.  They can survive in all types of environments and will consume any type of food that they come across.  Once they are in your home they multiple at a very fast rate.  They contaminate everything that they touch and must be eradicated.

For help ridding your home or business of all types of pests in Monmouth, Ocean, and Middlesex Counties, New Jersey contact Allison Pest Control.

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