Allison Pest Control

Tenants Vs. Landlords And Bed Bugs…What To Do?

Throughout many parts of the United States, bed bugs continue to run wild, nibbling their way from home to home, store to store, the bed bug cycle is seemingly endless.  One particular group of people that has been hit very hard is those that live in multi-unit apartment, condo, co-op, and townhouse buildings.

The problems with eradicating bed bugs properly from multi-unit buildings are vast.

• In rental properties, some tenants fear telling their landlords about bed bugs out of fear of being evicted or demands that they pay for bed bug removal services.  Not telling the landlord about the bed bugs will cause the creatures to spread quickly throughout the entire building causing the price of eradication to soar and neighbors to suffer through an infestation needlessly.

• Some renters do not tell their landlords about the bed bugs because the cost of eradication is expensive.  Every state has different laws regarding bed bugs, which has changed massively over the past few years.  Tenants and landlords should know what their legal rights are.  In many cases, both tenants and landlords have responsibilities and duties when bed bugs are present.

• Some renters do not want to admit that they have bed bugs because of the stigma attached to having the bugs.  Bed bugs are a universal problem.  They know no economic boundaries.  Five star hotels and flea bag motels have had bed bugs.  Both rich and poor people can pick up bed bugs at any moment in time.  There’s no shame in having bed bugs, they are not a measure of filth.

The only way to achieve full bed bug eradication in multi-unit buildings is to have the landlord call a licensed pest control technician and for tenants to work together.  It is crucial that dwellers follow all bed bug protocols that are requested of them from the beginning of the treatment process.  Failure to follow the proper treatment protocol will result in a fast return of the tiny vampires that suck blood in the night, which would be devastating for other dwellers and the owner alike.

For expert NJ bed bug eradication services, contact Allison Pest Control.

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