Preventing Springtime Pests in NJ

Call Allison to be Insect-Free this Spring.
Call Allison to be Insect-Free this Spring.

With warmer temperatures on the way, NJ residents will soon be seeing all kinds of springtime pests. These bugs come out of hiding and look for food or places to build their nests for spring and summer. It’s important to know which pests are most likely to invade your home this spring, so you can take steps to prevent them.

Common Springtime Pests

  • Termites: These insects can cause tremendous damage to your home by eating away at wood.
  • Cockroaches: While cockroaches won’t damage your home, they can spread bacteria and other germs and irritate those with asthma.
  • Carpenter ants: These pests also damage homes by creating tunnels through wood. They typically look for spots with rotted wood or damp wood.
  • Carpenter bees: These bees can cause structural damage by boring into wood.

How to Prevent Pests

You can lower the risk of having these springtime pests invade your home by doing the following:

  • Fix or replace damaged window screens.
  • Seal cracks in your home’s foundation.
  • Keep bushes and tree branches from touching your home.
  • Keep your kitchen free of crumbs and empty your trash can often.
  • Have preventive residential pest control done to keep these bugs out of your home.

If you need residential pest control services this spring, please contact Allison Pest Control. Our Monmouth County pest control experts can help you prevent carpenter ants and other spring pests from entering your home.