Allison Pest Control

It’s A Spider Bite!…Or Is It?

Big and small, spiders, more than any other type of creepy crawly make people squeamish for a variety of reasons report pest control professionals in Ocean County, NJ.  Perhaps it is because of their long legs, or the fact that they can run fast, or climb up to high places.  Maybe it’s because they seem to appear out of nowhere, or because they come in so many different sizes.  Maybe people hate spiders because once the egg sacs hatch there are so many babies to contend with.  Maybe spiders are so imposing because you can actually see their face if you take the time to look at them.  Whatever the reason, most adults and children are not very fond of them.  Personally, I don’t mind them…but I don’t want them in my bed!  I must admit, I do always keep a watchful eye out for black widows and brown recluse spiders.  Other species, it’s hit or miss (pardon the pun) whether they are allowed to live or die.

Contrary to what some people might think, spiders do not seek out people.  In fact, spiders are solitary creatures for the most part.  Spiders are often blamed for bite marks that appear on humans.  Repeated studies in the United States have shown that the majority of people who seek medical help do not actually have a spider bite, but instead are suffering from some other type of skin infection.  Doctors across the nation continue to report spider bites are indeed rare, even from the dangerous brown recluse and the black widow spiders.

Stop by our website to see check out our Home or Business Service Plans to keep spiders away.

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