Tag: yellow sac spiders

  • Learn More About Spiders Commonly Found in New Jersey

    Spiders. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors, spin webs, and are super fast when skittering across a surface. On top of that, they look menacing and other worldly, and can make a grown person cringe. There are around 50,000 spider types in the world and Allison Pest Control NJ takes care of handling…

  • What Are Spiders?

    It is not likely surprising to know that spiders intimidate nearly all of the human population.  Statistics show that 85% of people are afraid of spiders! There are thousands species of spiders in the world, and 59 reside in North America report Monmouth County, NJ pest control professionals. Spiders are not insects.  They are known as…

  • It’s A Spider Bite!…Or Is It?

    Big and small, spiders, more than any other type of creepy crawly make people squeamish for a variety of reasons report pest control professionals in Ocean County, NJ.  Perhaps it is because of their long legs, or the fact that they can run fast, or climb up to high places.  Maybe it’s because they seem to…

  • Scientists Believe Global Warning Has Brought An Increase In Plant Eating Insects

    The summer of 2011 brought about numerous complaints by New Jersey residents to many pest control companies throughout New Jersey about an increase of insects eating more than their normal share of a variety of outdoor plants.  Notwithstanding the voracious appetite of the pesky stink bugs that have taken over the eastern seaboard in recent…

  • The Bug That Bites In The Night

    There are several types of bugs that bite humans and leave their mark for all to see report NJ pest control professionals.  Mosquitos, fleas, ticks, bed bugs, spiders, ants, and even cockroaches won’t hesitate to partake in human flesh if it suits their fancy.  Bite wounds will vary for each insect depending on what type…

  • Could Other Pests Be The Key To Killing Bed Bugs?

    NJ Pest Control professionals treat all kinds of troublesome pests throughout the state.  According to the National Pest Management Association’s 2011 Bugs Without Borders Survey it was revealed that 73 percent of the respondents queried reported that bed bugs are the most difficult pest to eradicate? Some people may contend that the use of DDT…