Allison Pest Control

Here Come The Ants!

As the spring and summer months begin, one of the most common complaints to pest control experts in Monmouth County, NJ are ants.  Ants are persistent pests that are found both indoors and outdoors.  There are many different species of ants in New Jersey with different characteristics, and all craving different food sources…protein or sweets, or anything they come across.  Although not in New Jersey yet, but steadily moving that direction, one species of ant, the fire ant, will inflict horrendous stings that can be as dangerous as a bee sting in some people.

Being social creatures, ants live together and work together in harmony for the success of the colony.  Depending on the species of ant, colonies can range from hundreds to millions of individuals.  Each ant has a specific job to do within the colony.  There is always at least one queen ant, which is an egg laying machine.  In some species, there are many queens that work to develop the brood.  Queen ants are always much larger than all of the other ants in the colony and are always well taken care of by the workers.  Ants can travel a great distance away from the nest for food and water without ever getting lost because they leave an invisible pheromone trail that they can follow back and forth.  Other ants also pick up on the trail and use it to find the food and water and bring it back to the colony.

Do all ants at your home or business look the same to you?  Don’t worry, you are not alone.  Hiring a pest control professional in Monmouth County, NJ will properly identify the type or types of invading ants indoors or out so that proper control measures can be utilized.

Don’t throw good money after bad by trying to treat these nuisance, and sometimes wood destroying creatures yourself.  Hire a licensed pest control professional in Monmouth County, NJ for fast eradication of ants and all other types of annoying pests on your property.

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