Allison Pest Control

Spiders, Spiders, Why So Many Spiders?

Spiders…why do we fear them so much?  Spider fear, otherwise known as arachnophobia, is real.  Some people are so afraid of spiders that the phobia can be triggered by the thought or a picture of a spider.  The presence of a spider in your home can make even the most manly of men run for the hills.  Out of the thousands of insects that residents encounter, spiders are one of the most complained about say New Jersey pest control professionals.

New Jersey residents tend to go through the spring and summer months with only occasional encounters with spiders. Once the fall months arrive, spiders seem to be coming out of the woodwork and invading New Jersey homes in droves.  Many residents wonder why their home is being infested by spiders.

For the most part, spiders are our friends.  They are voracious eaters of insects, beetles, and other tiny creatures, including those of their own kind.  In the fall months, spiders are more visible because they are on a quest to consume as much food as possible.  Female spiders need additional food in order to lay their eggs which will hatch in the spring months ahead.  Male spiders are not only bulking up for the winter months, they are also on the hunt for a female mate.

Of the 4,000 species of spiders in North America, most use poisons to kill their victims.  Most of the poisons and the spiders are harmless to humans.  Spiders don’t typically bite humans unless they feel threatened.  Black widows and brown recluse spiders are the only dangerous spiders in the New Jersey area.

Despite being a beneficial insect, most people do not find spider co-habitation to be acceptable.  Hiring a NJ pest control professional will help keep spider population under control all year round.

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