Allison Pest Control

Pests Don’t Stand A Chance Against NJ Pest Control Experts

The slightest hint of warm weather has brought various annoying pests that spent the long winter months in hiding back into the radar sights of New Jersey pest control professionals.  Homeowners are already reporting random mosquitos occasionally flying about while they are enjoying the brief teasing temperatures of warm springtime weather.  New Jersey pest control experts report that stink bugs are beginning to emerge from their hiding spots as well.  Many residents are encountering an increase of stink bugs on the interior and exterior of their homes over the past two weeks.

A variety of ant species will soon be emerging from their deep underground nesting sites as well.  Once ants begin to surface, they often make their way indoors, and can be very difficult to eliminate once inside.  While some ant infestations are just a nuisance to endure, the carpenter ant is one that should be feared.  Carpenter ants pose a serious problem for homeowners because they carve out tunnels and chambers which will damage the structure of the wood that they infest.  NJ carpenter ant infestations are serious business and require treatment from a licensed pest control professional.

NJ pest control experts hope that homeowners are prepared for the onslaught of maddening creepy crawly insects that will arrive in droves in New Jersey in the next couple weeks.  Allison Pest Control will gladly provide you with a free pest inspection to help identify the pests at your home.  Our Home Pest Protection Plan includes pest control treatments in the spring, summer, and fall months, as well as free retreatments, if necessary, so that your home can remain pest free at all times.  For expert pest control services in Monmouth, Ocean and Middlesex counties, you can count on Allison Pest Control!

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