Allison Pest Control

Pick A NJ Pest Control Specialist That Can Provide Proper Pest Identification

The proper identification of bed bugs, or other types of pests, is essential by a NJ pest control specialist if you are suffering through any type of creepy infestation.  Many types of annoying household pest’s exhibit similar behavioral patterns and can even share a similar appearance.  Many New Jersey homeowners and business owners are often surprised to find that what they thought was one type of pest that is causing an uproar is actually a different type of pest.

Pests may look the same to the untrained eye and incorrect pest control treatments can complicate pest elimination as some pests will simply scatter to other locations when they are incorrectly dealt with.

Recently a family in New York City suspected that they had bed bugs.  They hired a NYC pest control company that listened to their pest issues.  It was decided that bed bug treatment should commence as soon as possible.  The family went through the painful decision to throw away 40 bags of clothing, all of their baby’s toys, and an expensive bed.  Despite rigorous cleaning and pest control treatment, their irritating nighttime bites continued.  After spending $3,500 for bed bug treatment, the frustrated family contacted another pest control specialist who was able to get to the root of their pest troubles.  Instead of bed bugs, it was later determined that the family was receiving continuous bites each night from rodent mites that were infesting their building.

Allison Pest Control is considered an expert NJ pest control company.  Our technicians are able to properly identify all types of problem pests so that a correct treatment plan can be implemented.  With our New Jersey pest control expertise, we will be able to examine your home or business to locate annoying pests, find their entry points, and their nesting locations so that proper pest control treatment can be followed.

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