Allison Pest Control

Camel Back Crickets Will Creep You Out

Camel back crickets are known by different names.  Sometimes called cave crickets or spider crickets, these creatures are not a pest you want to have around your house.  Reproducing very quickly, camel back crickets thrive in damp, cave like environments.  Basements and crawl spaces are perfect places for them to set up house.  Camel back crickets can live undetected in a home for a long period of time because the dark damp environment provides ample food and water for their colony to grow.  Once you have a good size infestation on your hands, camel back crickets will begin to emerge from the nest.  Homeowners in New Jersey and other parts of the United States can expect to see these scary insects invade their living quarters once the camel back cricket nest becomes overcrowded.

In basements and crawl spaces, camel back crickets feed on mold and fungus.  Left untreated in your home, they will cause considerable damage feasting on anything that is made of fabric.  Regardless of if it is synthetic or man-made fabrics, nothing is of limits to this damage causing pest.  Once your have camel back crickets living around the exterior of your home or business, you can expect them to move to the interior as the summertime heat sets in.

Many people find camel back crickets creepy and mistake them being a large spider instead of a cricket.  Camel back crickets have strange hairy looking antenna that make them intimidating looking.  Unlike every other type of bug, these crazy insects tend to jump toward you, rather than run away from you.  It is believed that they do this because of their poor vision, not because they are in attack mode.  Despite being scary to encounter, camel back crickets are actually harmless to humans as they do not bite or sting.

Leaving a camel back cricket infestation untreated is also an invitation to other unwanted household pests.  Rats and mice find camel back crickets to be a delicious treat and will pursue a New Jersey infestation.

You can put an end to your New Jersey camel back cricket infestation problem by contacting Allison Pest Control today.

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