Tag: spider crickets

  • Scientists Believe Global Warning Has Brought An Increase In Plant Eating Insects

    The summer of 2011 brought about numerous complaints by New Jersey residents to many pest control companies throughout New Jersey about an increase of insects eating more than their normal share of a variety of outdoor plants.  Notwithstanding the voracious appetite of the pesky stink bugs that have taken over the eastern seaboard in recent…

  • The Bug That Bites In The Night

    There are several types of bugs that bite humans and leave their mark for all to see report NJ pest control professionals.  Mosquitos, fleas, ticks, bed bugs, spiders, ants, and even cockroaches won’t hesitate to partake in human flesh if it suits their fancy.  Bite wounds will vary for each insect depending on what type…

  • NJ Pest Control Experts Welcome Spring…And Insects!

    Humans are not the only creatures that are anxious to say good-bye to the frosty temperatures and snow covered grounds of New Jersey.  The cold winter weather is great for keeping unwanted pests away…at least that is what Mother Nature would like us to think!  NJ pest control experts report that some insects die off…

  • Camel Back Crickets Will Creep You Out

    Camel back crickets are known by different names.  Sometimes called cave crickets or spider crickets, these creatures are not a pest you want to have around your house.  Reproducing very quickly, camel back crickets thrive in damp, cave like environments.  Basements and crawl spaces are perfect places for them to set up house.  Camel back…