Category: Bees & Wasps

  • Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow Jackets Part One – What does a Wasp Look Like?

    Stinging insects keep our Monmouth County pest control professionals busy during summer. While many bees, hornets, wasps and yellow jackets have stingers, some of these species are capable of delivering stings that are much more powerful and painful than others. How can you tell what kind of stinging pest you have on your property? We’ll…

  • Everything You Wanted to Know About the New Jersey Paper Wasp

    Have you noticed a grayish papery-looking mass on the side of your house? If so, you might have a paper wasp infestation which should be removed by your best Monmouth County pest control company, Allison Pest Control. Paper Wasps Paper wasps, also known as umbrella wasps, range in size from 0.7 to 1 inch long…

  • What Bit You, a Bee or a Wasp? How to Tell

    You’re out in your yard doing a little gardening or maybe taking a walk in the park or hiking a trail and you get stung. Was it a wasp or a bee that took offense at your being in their territory, or did you intrude into their private space? Either way, inquiring minds want to…

  • How to Prevent a Wasp Attack

    Wasps are one of the most dreaded pests to have on your property. Some species swarm when they attack, resulting in dozens of painful stings. It’s important to lower your risk of wasp attacks by doing the following. • Don’t wear anything scented. Wasps are sometimes drawn to the smell of perfume, lotion, soap or…

  • Mild Winter Means More Wasps This Summer

    While having a mild winter is a pleasant surprise for many, there’s a drawback to it. Warmer temperatures make it possible for more insect pests to survive the season, including wasps. If you’ve been seeing more of these stinging insects around this spring, you’re not alone. What’s causing a higher number of wasps this year?…

  • New Wasp Species Gets a Celebrity Name

    Not all wasps are pests. Although we think of wasps as a nuisance, in many parts of the world and even in the US, wasps are actually quite good at controlling other pests. Sometimes, after their discovery, a new species is given a celebrity name. Meet Conobregma bradpitti This particular South African wasp was discovered…