Allison Pest Control

Winter Weather Drives Outdoor Pests Indoors

Allison Pest Control You Monmouth County Exterminator
Allison Pest Control Your Monmouth County Exterminator

While summer is certainly a busy time for the pest control in Monmouth NJ experts, things don’t slow down much in winter. That’s because winter weather, such as freezing temperatures and snowstorms, cause pests that normally stay outside to find shelter indoors.

Rodent Pests

Rats, mice and other rodents normally live outdoors, but they’re going to try to find ways into your home during winter to escape the cold and snow. Mice are good at squeezing in through small gaps and cracks, while rats can chew their way inside. These rodents can cause potential health problems for you and your family if you’re exposed to their urine or feces. They can also cause fire hazards if they chew through wiring, so it’s important to have infestations handled promptly.

Insect Pests

Some species of insects make their home indoors during winter if they’re able to. Your home provides them with shelter, warmth and in some cases a source of food. Insects that typically head indoors during winter include stink bugs, cluster flies, boxelder bugs and Asian lady beetles. You might not see these bugs until spring when temperatures get warm again, but you can prevent them from getting in by sealing up gaps and other openings.

Don’t let outdoor pests make their home indoors in your NJ house. Contact Allison Pest Control to find out how our pest control Monmouth NJ services can help you this winter.

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