Allison Pest Control

Are Yellow Jackets Bees or Wasps?

Are Yellow Jackets Bees or Wasps?
Are Yellow Jackets Bees or Wasps?

During the summer months, Monmouth County NJ pest control companies deal with yellow jackets and other stinging pests. Although you might hear yellow jackets referred to as bees, they’re actually not. These pests are a type of wasp.

Yellow Jacket Identification

Do you have honeybees or yellow jackets in your yard? You can tell yellow jackets by their yellow and black coloring and their smooth appearance. These pests don’t have the hairy legs and abdomen that honeybees have. Some yellow jackets also have more of a white and black coloring instead of yellow white, which also sets them apart from bees.

Yellow Jacket Behavior

Yellow jackets are known for stinging multiple times, which bees can’t do. Honeybees lose their stinger after stinging once, causing them to die. Yellow jackets don’t lose their stinger, so they’re able to sting repeatedly. They tend to attack if they feel threatened or if you get too close to their nest. Despite the threat they pose to people, especially those who are allergic, they also do some good. Yellow jackets get rid of several insect pests that are found in NJ.

If you have a problem with yellow jackets or bees this summer, Allison Pest Control is here to help. As one of the top Monmouth County NJ pest control companies, we’ll make sure you and your family are safe from these stinging insects.

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