Allison Pest Control

Seen These Insects Yet in Your New Jersey Home?

Be on the Lookout for Pests in Your Home. Awareness is the First Call to Action.
Be on the Lookout for Pests in Your Home. Awareness is the First Call to Action.

NJ is home to tons of different insect species. While many of these live outdoors, some of them make their home inside your home. You might need to hire NJ pest control services if you end up having one or more of these pests in your house. These are just some of the bugs that can be a nuisance in residences.


There are 67 beetle species in NJ, which means you have a good chance of seeing at least one of them in your home. Some of the more common species include varied carpet beetles, jewel beetles and Japanese beetles. You might also have emerald ash borers on your property, an invasive species that destroys ash trees.

True Bugs

You’ll find 30 species of true bugs in NJ, but hopefully, you won’t see them in your home. Some of these species, such as the brown marmorated stink bug, can be a big nuisance. Other species that you might see around include giant water bugs, leaf-footed bugs and hazelnut lace bugs.

Ants and Bees

NJ has 40 species of ants, wasps, bees and similar bugs. Common species include black carpenter ants, honey bees, golden northern bumble bees, red pavement ants and yellow jackets.

If you have bees, beetles or other pests in your home, contact Allison Pest Control right away. Our NJ pest control services can rid your home of common household pests.

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