Allison Pest Control

Carpenter Ants: Where do They Like to Nest?

Pesky Neighbors: Don't Let Carpenter Ants Make Your Home Their's
Pesky Neighbors: Don’t Let Carpenter Ants Make Your Home Their’s

Small black ants are a common sight during summer, but what about those larger ones? If you see big black ants in or around your home, you might have a problem with carpenter ants. These ants won’t go after your food as other ants do. Instead, they’re more likely to cause a considerable amount of damage to wood structures in your home.

Carpenter ants don’t feed on wood, but they do chew it up in order to create tunnels and build nests. They prefer building with wood that is soft from water damage, since it’s easier to chew through.

These ants have several ways to get into your home, including through door frames, window frames, plumbing lines, tree limbs, and shrubs. They prefer staying where there’s plenty of moisture, so they tend to build nests in places such as wall cavities that are damp, water-damaged window sills, and roofs that have water damage.

Once they’re inside, they chew their way through soft wood, as well as healthy wood, to build and expand their nesting site. It’s important to get in touch with NJ pest control experts if you spot carpenter ants inside your home, since they can cause a lot of damage.

If your home has been invaded by carpenter ants, contact Allison Pest Control for help. Our NJ pest control services can help you rid your NJ home of ants and other bugs.

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