Tag: Carpenter Ant Control

  • Carpenter Ants, How to Identify if You Have a Problem

    Termites aren’t the only pests that can cause structural damage to your home. You also have to worry about carpenter ants. The sooner you stop these pests, the better your chances are of preventing major damage to your home. But how do you know if you need Monmouth County carpenter ant control? Here’s how to…

  • Carpenter Ants: Where do They Like to Nest?

    Small black ants are a common sight during summer, but what about those larger ones? If you see big black ants in or around your home, you might have a problem with carpenter ants. These ants won’t go after your food as other ants do. Instead, they’re more likely to cause a considerable amount of…

  • The Carpenter Ant Queen Goes on a “Walkabout”

    Winged swarms of males and females are common in many ant species and especially troublesome if they’re carpenter ants. While some ants live outside your home, carpenter ants seek out moist wooden areas inside for their nests. Knowing what a carpenter ant looks like once she’s shed her wings means you can call Monmouth County…

  • Carpenter Ants, The Hidden Hazard Eating Your Home

    When you see a large, black ant, it’s probably a carpenter ant because they’re the largest species of ants in the United States. Ranging from 1/4-3/4 inch long, these ants can cause damage to your home you may not know about until too late. Prevent damage with NJ Carpenter Ant Control that eliminates the pests…

  • How Do You Know You Have Carpenter Ants?

    We see them all the time scurrying back and forth, hither and yon, in what looks like a never ending adventure of exploration for food and shelter. These fast moving tiny wonders that never seem to sleep or run out of energy are ants who are part of our everyday life. There are over 700…

  • Carpenter Ants: a Hidden Pest

    We see them all the time. The tiny bug with antenna busily working away making tunnels, gathering food, and just all around staying organized and on top of the situation. These tiny creatures are ants and  can carry the title of “busy bees” easily. The opposite in size of the tiny ants are the super-sized…