Eliminate Yellow Jackets And Bees Before They Attack

Depending on the time of year, wasps and bees need protein and sweets to survive.  Early in the spring and summer months, they eat plant-eating insects, so they are considered to be beneficial insects.  In nature, wasps and bees deliver a sudden sting against their prey to paralyze it and eventually consume it.

Humans are stung when yellow jackets feel threatened or when they are aggressively defending their colony.  Because yellow jacket nests are most often located in abandoned rodent burrows, humans often become the victim of yellow jacket stings when they unwittingly disturb the nest with a lawnmower or other yard maintenance tool.  Children become victims when playing in the yard on or near a nesting site report New Jersey pest control professionals.

Besides aggressively defending their nesting site, scavenging yellow jackets will sting humans if they are swatted away from a potential food source.  Many adults and children have suffered from wasp stings to the lips, face, mouth, or even the throat, at picnics and barbeques when wasps have crawled inside of a soda cans.

Bees are only able to sting their victims one time because their entire stinging apparatus is ripped out of the abdomen.  It does not take long for the hapless bee to die from the injury that it inflicts/receives.  In contrast, the yellow jacket has a barbed stinger and is able to sting its intended victim, deliver its painful poison, pull its stinger out, and fly off waiting for the victim to die.  The entire process takes a mere .3 seconds.

To avoid the painful stings of bees or wasps, you should call a licensed NJ pest control expert if you see bees or wasps on the interior of your home.  Allison Pest Control also provides exterior treatment of in-ground yellow jacket nests as well as hive removal service.