Kill Off Your New Jersey Cockroaches Before They Multiply

You would think that with humans being the superior species on earth that we are would have no trouble squashing out one particular type of bug that has been creeping us out.  It does not matter if is man, woman, or child; nobody is fond of the disgusting and sneaky habits of cockroaches.

It is believed that cockroaches have inhabited the earth for nearly 400 million years.  There are almost 7,500 known species of cockroaches in existence and they have proven themselves to be ones of the hardest pests to eradicate, much to the consternation of homeowners and business owners across the United States.

The most common cockroaches that invade human living quarters are the German, American, Oriental and Asian cockroach.  Each of these sneaky pests can be found living in homes or businesses at any time of the year.  They can easily enter homes un-noticed through a variety of sources like shipping packages, new or used furniture, grocery bags, neighboring walls, window sills, or even from a visiting houseguest.  Cockroaches find human homes and businesses perfect to continue their reproduction cycle.  These creepy crawlers just need a good source of food, water, and shelter, which we humans amply provide.

If you have a NJ cockroach infestation or infestation in any part of the US, it must be taken seriously as cockroaches are known to carry salmonella and E.coli which can be dangerous or even deadly for humans to contract.  Many consumers try to kill off cockroaches by using over-the-counter bug bombs or store bought sprays.  Although these products may kill some of these disgusting creatures, they will not penetrate into all of the deep dark hiding places that cockroaches love to hide, and within a short period of time, the bugs will return with a vengeance!

The best way to get rid of a New Jersey cockroach infestation in a home or business is to hire a licensed NJ pest control specialist that can apply the correct pesticides so that your cockroach problem will be eliminated.  Contact Allison Pest Control for expert NJ cockroach extermination services in Monmouth, Middlesex and Ocean counties.