Allison Pest Control

Don’t New Jersey Ants Die Off In The Winter?

New Jersey residents and business owners have all been subjected to the “ant march” as the weather turns from cold to warm in the early spring.  It’s at that time of year that pesky NJ ant instincts kick into high gear and they head from their deep underground dwellings in search of food and water.  Before you know it, the entire New Jersey ant colony, as well as the rest of the bug world will be roaring into high gear, ready for a new year of growth and reproduction.

At times however, NJ homes and businesses can find that they are overrun by different species of ants in strange locations during the winter months.  When you find ants indoors during the winter, it is definitely cause for concern.

One type of ant in particular that you need to be concerned with in New Jersey is the carpenter ant.  NJ carpenter ants are known for having primary colonies as well as satellite locations.  These satellite locations are typically located within a 150 foot radius of the primary colony.  During the cold winter months, New Jersey carpenter ants are not likely building up their colony strength, but they cannot be ignored because once the weather begins to warm, they will continue their destructive behavior.  Additionally, because NJ ants live deep below the earth’s surface, they can be found entering structures via cracks in foundations during the winter months as well.  Hiring a NJ pest control professional is the best way to control ant invaders!

Like with other types of creepy New Jersey insects, the type of extermination treatment that is required for NJ ants varies depending on the particular type of ant that is causing the infestation.  It’s always best to contact a NJ pest control professional so that a proper treatment plan can be put in place if you have an ant infestation.  Protect your New Jersey home or commercial building from a winter ant invasion by hiring a licensed NJ pest control professional to eradicate the buggers before spring arrives and the ant colony has time to grow once again!

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