Allison Pest Control

Retail Stores Continue To Be Slammed By Bed Bugs Part I Of II

We should name this past season “the summer of discontent”…at least as far as bed bug infestations are concerned.  Bed bug infestations continue to rise throughout the United States; despite the best efforts of pest control specialists.  A huge Bed Bug Summit was  held outside of Chicago last week to discuss bed bug issues. Entomologists, doctors, and pest control specialists also had a summit last week in Tennessee about bed bugs.  Canadian officials are gathering in Toronto for their Bed Bug Summit as well.  Everyone is hoping for a viable solution to the pest that is eluding us all.

Some people think that the increase in bed bug activity is because more people are on the move during the summer months.  Some believe it is because of the warmer temperatures.  Now that the fall season has come, do you think we will see a drop in bed bug sightings?  That’s doubtful!

As a big welcome into autumn, two giants in the retail world have already fallen victim to creepy bed bugs.  Macy’s just announced that they have found bed bugs sneaking around their corporate offices in New York City.  So far, they have not found the buggers in their beautiful stores that are located just below the posh offices.  The trouble is that bed bugs are opportunistic hitchhikers and could easily be transported from the offices above to the shopper’s paradise below.  Bed bugs are also known for the incredible ability to find their way through tiny cracks and crevices to any location in any building.  These little monsters can easily go a year without a blood meal so it’s easy for them to go undetected thus allowing an infestation to explode right under a retailer’s nose.

Please check back on Friday for the conclusion.

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