Tag: insects

  • No Need To Fear The Earwig, Their Bark is Bigger Than Their Bite

    Earwigs aren’t a pleasant sight to see in your home, but you don’t have to worry about them biting. These insects can get inside your home, though, so you might have to get pest control in Monmouth County if you have a lot of them around. Problems with Earwigs Earwigs might seem dangerous with the…

  • Do You Have A Silverfish Problem? Keep An Eye Out For This Pantry Pest

    Silverfish are common pests that can invade homes in NJ. These wingless bugs can cause damage to your home if you end up having an infestation. Find out more about these critters, including why you’ll need professional pest control in Monmouth County to deal with them. Silverfish Identification Silverfish have a distinctive look that makes…

  • Spiders You Might Catch Around Your House This Winter

    Some types of spiders remain just as active as ever during winter as long as they have somewhere warm to build their webs and feed. This might mean that you’ll run into spiders in your home during this time of year. Professional pest control in Monmouth County can help you handle any of the following…

  • Research Shows City Life Creates New Pest Ecosystems

    It’s no secret that cities have plenty of rodents and insects around, but how did they get this way? Our pest control Monmouth NJ professionals want you to learn more about these pests, so you can better understand why they’ve become such a problem over the years. Urban Ecosystems The development of communities within cities…

  • NJ Pantry Pests – A Pest That Knows No Season

    It’s tempting to breathe a sigh of relief now that the colder weather is upon us. If you’ve dealt with pantry pests during the spring or summer months, you may be looking forward to a reprieve. Unfortunately, you’re not likely to get one. There are pests that really don’t mind if it’s cold outside because…

  • Do Silverfish Bite?

    When you see silverfish in your home, should you seek help from NJ pest control services? These small pests can be a nuisance and ruin your belongings, but how much of a threat are they to humans? Silverfish Behavior Silverfish are long, thin bugs that are covered in silvery scales. Their appetite for a wide…