Category: Problem Insects

  • Are Mosquitoes Taking A Bite Out Of Your Summertime Fun?

    The hot and humid months of summer are in full swing.  If you have spent any amount of time outdoors in New Jersey, it’s quite likely that mosquitoes have been nibbling away at any exposed skin that they can find.  These blood suckers are very annoying and leave a trail of painful and itchy welts…

  • Odorous House Ants Can Stink Up The Joint

    Odorous house ants can be found throughout the United States.  In most instances you will find the odorous house ant on the exterior of your New Jersey home or business.  These ants receive their name by the disagreeable odor that is emitted when the worker ants are squished.  The odorous house ant smells similar to…

  • Drain Flies Are An Annoying Little Pest

    The not so lovely drain fly goes by several different names.  Besides a drain fly, it’s been called a sewer fly, drain moth, and filter fly.  These tiny little bugs are brown or black in color and are commonly found hanging around drainpipe openings.  The drain fly measures no longer than 1/5 of an inch…

  • Could It Be A Flea On Me?

    If you have ever had a flea infestation problem or been bitten by fleas, you know how annoying these blood suckers can be. Fleas can be found on household pets and furry creatures that run through the yard.  Once an infestation occurs inside your living space, fleas will set up shop in carpets, sofas, pet…

  • Evil Carpenter Ants Can Strike Anytime

    Business and homeowners in New Jersey have reason to worry when they see large black ants on the interior or exterior of their structure.  Large ants in most instances are carpenter ants.  Carpenter ants are the most common type of ant that you will find in the United States, and left untreated, they are a…

  • Cockroaches In New Jersey

    Cockroaches are the most common, and one of the most feared insects, that can infest homes in New Jersey and across the United States.  There are approximately 4,500 species of cockroaches worldwide, but only a few are considered to be household pests.  Most people find cockroaches to be repulsive housemates.  They are known to transmit…