Pest Control Professionals Head Back To Court

Likely worse than most cities in the United States that are suffering through the resurgence of bed bugs, from coast to coast, many Canadian cities have had a difficult time getting a handle on the bloodsucking pests.  From homes, to libraries, to hospitals, to hotels, the reports of bed bugs nibbling on visitors and citizens over the past year have been relentless.

Just when the all-clear was sounded at the end of December in Canada, the brakes are slammed on as bed bugs have once again reared their ugly heads in a well visited Canadian location.  One of the latest locals to report the creepy crawlers is not a surprising location as it is one of the busiest courthouses in Canada.

The Vancouver Provincial Courthouse first found bed bugs and bed bug eggs in one location of the building just before Christmas and were quick to tackle the problem before sounding the all clear.  New reports however are that the pests have now popped up in another courthouse building.  There is no way to tell if they were transmitted from the initial location where they were discovered.

Bed bug sniffing dogs have found bed bugs infesting the lawyers lounge, and the public seating area of the three busiest courtrooms in the building according to Global BC on January 10, 2013.  Reports are that courthouse users are standing instead of sitting to avoid being bitten or transporting the bed bugs back home with them.

To date, no courtroom proceedings have been disrupted.  The courthouse staff will hold informational sessions for courthouse users and employees on how to avoid spreading bed bugs.


