Pollen Might Not Be The Only Thing To Blame For Your Spring Allergies

 Pollen Might Not Be The Only Thing To Blame For Your Spring Allergies
Pollen Might Not Be The Only Thing To Blame For Your Spring Allergies

Having cockroaches in your home is a health hazard. These bugs spread germs around that could make you sick, but do they also spread allergens? Learn more about why you might need roach control in Monmouth County right away for a cockroach problem.

Cockroaches and Spring Allergies

Do you typically start sneezing and having other allergy symptoms in spring? While pollen from outdoors can cause this, roaches inside your home can also be to blame. Cockroaches leave their saliva, oils and other substances around that could trigger allergic reactions in some individuals.

When you have cockroach allergies, you might experience coughing and sneezing or develop a rash. If you have asthma, you might also develop breathing problems caused by these pests.

Handling a Cockroach Problem in Spring

If you suspect that your allergies are from cockroaches or if you see these pests in your home, you’ll need prompt pest control. Cockroach infestations can become severe in some homes, which can make your health problems worse.

Professional pest control technicians can find out where cockroaches are coming from and use the right solution for getting them out of your home. Keep in mind that eliminating food and water sources around your home and sealing up gaps can help prevent a problem form occurring.

If you need roach control in Monmouth County, please contact Allison Pest Control. Our experienced technicians can eliminate cockroaches from your home.