Tag: NJ Cockroach Control

  • Pollen Might Not Be The Only Thing To Blame For Your Spring Allergies

    Having cockroaches in your home is a health hazard. These bugs spread germs around that could make you sick, but do they also spread allergens? Learn more about why you might need roach control in Monmouth County right away for a cockroach problem. Cockroaches and Spring Allergies Do you typically start sneezing and having other allergy…

  • The Connection: Cockroaches and Food-Borne Illnesses

    The sight of cockroaches in your home is disturbing enough, but there’s another reason to dread having these pests around. Cockroaches carry food-borne illnesses that can end up being potentially life-threatening. Dangerous Germs Cockroaches pick up bacteria and other germs that can lead to serious food-borne infections in humans. As these pests move around your…

  • Allison Pest Control Hauls Out the Big Guns for Cockroaches

    With their stubborn survival instinct, it’s become a popular joke that cockroaches would be the only life form to survive a nuclear blast. While Allison Pest Control’s methods don’t go to those extreme, eliminating termites is a difficult task that requires the help of professional exterminators. Cockroaches are opportunistic feeders, lured by any substance consumed…