Allison Pest Control

Interesting Insect Facts: Ants Do Battle with Termites

Ants Actually May Battle Termites
Ants Actually May Battle Termites

Termites and ants are among the most common types of bugs that Monmouth County pest control services deal with. Both can cause damage to homes, but they don’t do so together.

In fact, ants and termites are natural enemies and don’t get along at all. Scientists studying their behavior have found something fascinating about this rivalry.

Ants vs. Termites

When ants and termites get into fights, there are bound to be some injuries. While scientists think that ants don’t pay much attention to injured comrades, they’ve recently found that one species does. Matabele ants are actually willing to rescue injured worker ants during fights with termites.

These ants release a pheromone that sends out a message to nearby ants that one of their own has been hurt. The injured ant curls up to protect itself while waiting for rescue. Other ants carry the injured ant back to the nest.

Matabele Ants and Altruism

Why do these ants take time to rescue injured workers and bring them to safety? Scientists speculate that this allows the species to continue having a larger colony than they would if injured ants were left behind in fights.

If you have termites or ants in your home, give Allison Pest Control a call. Our Monmouth County pest control services can help eliminate these pests from your home before they cause serious damage.

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