Allison Pest Control

The Worst of the Summertime Pests Get Worse with Global Warming

Ticks and Mosquitoes Carry Diseases That Could Harm Your Kids... Be on the Lookout!
Ticks and Mosquitoes Carry Diseases That Could Harm Your Kids… Be on the Lookout!

The summer months keep pest control companies in Freehold busy, as more insect pests tend to be around causing problems for homeowners. With increasing temperatures, thanks to global warming, more and more of these bugs are expected to be out and about. There are two summer bugs that you should worry about the most as temperatures continue to warm.


Mosquito species thrive in warmer temperatures. Many of them would normally die off in colder weather, but global warming means that more of them are able to survive. Although some of these insects act as more of a nuisance with their itchy bites, others pose a serious health threat.

Some mosquito species in NJ can spread diseases, including the Zika and West Nile viruses. Mosquitoes from southern regions that carry tropical and subtropical diseases are also expected to make their way up north as temperatures continue to rise.

Deer Ticks

Deer ticks are another summer pest that can be more than a nuisance. These ticks can spread Lyme disease and other diseases when they latch onto people. Deer tick populations are on the rise due to warmer winters, and these pests are expected to spread.

Don’t handle summer pests on your own. Get help from the pest control experts in Freehold instead. Contact Allison Pest Control to learn more about how we can help you rid your home and yard of insect pests this summer.

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