Allison Pest Control

Four Less Common Household Ants in New Jersey

Let Us Help You Rid Your Residence of Ants!
Let Us Help You Rid Your Residence of Ants!

Knowing the less common household ants in New Jersey helps you identify the right time to call for assistance for Monmouth County ant control by Allison Pest Control.

Field ants

Field ants don’t nest inside buildings, they nest in mounds outside. They can be red, black or brown and are 1/8-1/4 inch long. If they create large nests in outside living areas, you may need our proactive Monmouth County ant control.

False honey ants

False honey ants are usually dark to light brown and approximately 1/8 inch in length. They create their nests outside in shaded soil and sometimes under stones and logs. The usual time for their mating swarms is spring, but they can exist inside during the winter months.

Odorous house ants

If you’ve killed an ant and smelled something unpleasant, you may have odorous house ants. These ants are brown and 1/10 inch in length. They forage inside homes when they can’t find sweet food outside and they build their nests under boards, stones, and anything they find on the ground.

Acrobat ants

These ants are black or yellow brown and 1/8 inch in length. They usually nest outside in dead wood but they can find their way inside to nest in window frames and rotted wood. They don’t cause structural damage but they can invade cupboards.

Protect your home from carpenter ants and less common household ant varieties with Monmouth County ant control from Allison Pest Control today.

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