Dont Let an Ant Infestation Ruin Your Summer Fun

Don't Let Ants Into Your Home
Don’t Let Ants Into Your Home

Ahhh. The joys of summer. Food, fun in the sun, and enough ants to film an independent horror movie. Don’t let ants crash summer fun outside or inside your home.

Keep ants at bay with these simple tips:

  • Inside your home:
    • Immediately address crumbs and spills in your home.
    • Don’t leave dirty dishes out.
    • Place honey, cat food, and other attractive items inside a bowl of water.
    • Keep foods in properly sealed containers, odorous house ants can ruin food.
    • Regularly take out the garbage.
    • Seal cracks and holes both inside and outside your home (especially those that look like the ant-interstate) with silicon caulk, paying particular attention to the base of the building.
    • Address gaps in window and door screens as well as weather stripping around windows and doors.
    • Handle water leaks promptly, as they are a magnet for carpenter ants  that could cause structural damage to your home.
    • If you find yourself suffering an ant infestation, don’t try to nuke them with spray, it won’t address the root problem. Contact a licensed pest control service as soon as possible.
  • Outside your home:
    • Eliminate standing water.
    • Keep branches and shrubs trimmed and away from your home so they don’t offer a bridge for these pesky intruders.
    • Don’t store firewood or building materials next to your home.
    • If ants are interfering with your cookout or picnic, place table legs in containers of standing water to prevent ant access, or incorporate fresh lemons or lemon oil into your picnic motif to not only repel ants, but mosquitos and flies as well.

Tired of ants marching one-by-one through your personal space? Contact Allison Pest Control today. Allison is your friendly, knowledgeable pest control solution.