Allison Pest Control

Crickets – the Nuisance Pest That Can Drive You Crazy

Did you know that in many cultures, and even for some Americans, having crickets in your house is a sign of good luck? The fact is, crickets rarely come indoors, however when the weather gets colder, they do frequently accidentally hop inside a window or door because they’re attracted to the warmth. If you’ve been hearing those chirping sounds, and they’re beginning to drive you crazy, it might be time to ask a professional about cricket pest control.

Your Cricket Infestation

Crickets prefer the warmth, so if you think you have a cricket problem, it’s a good idea to check your kitchen, your furnace, or any other area that’s kept warm this time of year. Once they get inside, they are also likely to burrow into your baseboards or other cracks in an effort to hide themselves away. Once they’re there, they can multiply quite rapidly.

Just One, Or Many?

One lonely cricket will rarely cause your home any damage. However, if you have more than one, you can quickly have a problem. Crickets like to chew, and they can cause serious damage to the structure of your home. They can be difficult to find because they will frequently stop chirping once you approach where they’re hiding.

Here at Allison Pest Control, crickets are one of our specialities. We understand how these pests behave, and we know where they like to hide out. We also know how to get rid of them and keep them away. If you have a cricket problem, contact us today.

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