Allison Pest Control

The Asian Ladybird Beetle…Friend Or Foe?

The red and black lady bug, which is indigenous to the US, is a difficult insect to find now that the Asian ladybird beetle has arrived.  Some “natural pest control” suppliers have imported Asian ladybird beetles and promoted them as a great means of pest control.  While these cute little critters do have a voracious appetite for many different types of nuisance insects, some homes in New Jersey, as well as other parts of the United States, are finding that Asian ladybird beetles themselves can also be a terrible nuisance pest.

Asian ladybird beetles typically seek out rocks, caves, and mountainsides to overwinter in.  Absent of a proper place to spend the winter months in hibernation, the little orange spotted insects turn to the only terrain that is available to them…human homes.

Asian ladybird beetles prefer certain types of structures, but any structure can suffer an invasion.  Wood siding is an attractant for the bugs as they will work their way into attics and hover closely for warmth, protection, and mating.  They don’t eat wood or cause damage, with the exception of a yellow stain that is left on a wall if the bug is squished.  Asian ladybird beetles that make it into the living quarters of the home will be foraging for food.  During this foraging activity, many homeowners report being bitten by the beetles if they handle the critters.  The bites are not harmful, just an annoyance.

Asian ladybird beetles typically gather on one or two sides of a structure.  A Monmouth County, NJ exterminator will be able to provide perimeter control to keep the little pests out.

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