Tag: lady bugs

  • Fall Weather Brings Ladybugs Indoors in New Jersey

    Ladybugs aren’t usually thought of as nuisances, but they can quickly become a problem if they invade your home. These beetles tend to seek warm areas to stay in before winter hits, so they usually try to enter homes during fall. Ladybugs don’t bite or carry disease, and they won’t hurt your home, but they…

  • The Asian Ladybird Beetle…Friend Or Foe?

    The red and black lady bug, which is indigenous to the US, is a difficult insect to find now that the Asian ladybird beetle has arrived.  Some “natural pest control” suppliers have imported Asian ladybird beetles and promoted them as a great means of pest control.  While these cute little critters do have a voracious…

  • Scientists Believe Global Warning Has Brought An Increase In Plant Eating Insects

    The summer of 2011 brought about numerous complaints by New Jersey residents to many pest control companies throughout New Jersey about an increase of insects eating more than their normal share of a variety of outdoor plants.  Notwithstanding the voracious appetite of the pesky stink bugs that have taken over the eastern seaboard in recent…

  • NJ Pest Control Experts Welcome Spring…And Insects!

    Humans are not the only creatures that are anxious to say good-bye to the frosty temperatures and snow covered grounds of New Jersey.  The cold winter weather is great for keeping unwanted pests away…at least that is what Mother Nature would like us to think!  NJ pest control experts report that some insects die off…

  • Winterize Your Home Against Unwanted Pests

    Many of the insects that have been enjoying the delightful sunny warm spring and summer months in the great outdoors are now desperate to seek shelter.  Their natural instincts direct them to find a warm place to spend the cold winter months.  If they don’t, they will soon perish as the cold begins to settle…