Fall Weather Brings Ladybugs Indoors in New Jersey

It's Ladybug Season
It’s Ladybug Season

Ladybugs aren’t usually thought of as nuisances, but they can quickly become a problem if they invade your home. These beetles tend to seek warm areas to stay in before winter hits, so they usually try to enter homes during fall. Ladybugs don’t bite or carry disease, and they won’t hurt your home, but they can invade in very large numbers, which makes them difficult to deal with.

How bad can a ladybug infestation get? Last fall, millions of ladybugs invaded a western Romanian town in a short amount of time. Residents in Lipova ended up finding tons of these bugs covering walls and floors in their homes, even if windows were only open for a brief time. Although town officials tried to bring the infestation under control with pesticides, the bugs continued to swarm.

Experts believe a large increase in the number of aphids known as greenflies thanks to more rain has attracted bigger numbers of ladybugs to the area. Experts also warned that mild winters could also lead to more ladybugs in spring.

In New Jersey, you don’t have to worry about millions of ladybugs swarming, but you could still end up with quite a few of these beetles in your home this fall.

If ladybugs are trying to take over your home, contact Allison Pest Control. Our team of experts provide reliable pest control in Freehold NJ.



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