Allison Pest Control

Can You Safely Escape A Yellow Jacket Attack? Part 2 Of 2

Continuing from Monday…

Evidence has shown that even if you have not suffered an allergic reaction to a yellow jacket or bee sting in the past, you may still suffer allergic reactions at any point in time.  Because yellow jackets are one of the most aggressive types of wasps, if a nest is disturbed, it is unlikely that a person will only receive one yellow jacket sting.  Unlike honey bees which have a barbed stinger which allows them to only sting one time, the yellow jacket has a smooth stinger which in most cases does not stay inside of its victim.  Yellow jackets have the capability to sting many times.  Yellow jacket venom is potent and dangerous.  Stings should be taken seriously as any person of any age can suffer from anaphylaxis shock when stung by these wasps.

What to DO and NOT TO DO if you are under attack from a posse of yellow jackets.

• Human reaction is to fight or flight.  In the case of yellow jackets…do not fight them off of you, it will only insight the angry wasps.

• Instead, the best option is to RUN as fast as you can.  The average human can outrun pursuing yellow jackets.  Yellow jackets won’t give up the flight easily however.  They have been known to chase a person up to a mile before they give up the fight.

• NEVER jump into a pool, pond, lake, or other body of water.  Yellow jackets are smart cookies and they instinctively know that sooner or later a person who has jumped into water will be up for a breath of air.  Once you come up, the yellow jackets will be ready to attack your head, face, and any other area of skin that they can reach.

• NEVER run inside of a home or business.  Pursuing yellow jackets are fast flyers and they will be hot on your trail and will simply follow you inside and attack at will.

• Always keep a lookout for yellow jackets zipping through your front or back yard.  Watching where they go will tell you where their nesting site is so it can be avoided.

• If you know yellow jackets are present, never try to kill them on your own.

A licensed Monmouth County, NJ exterminator will be able to properly eliminate yellow jacket nests and prevent painful and dangerous stings for you and your family members.  Call Allison Pest Control today for expert extermination services.

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