Allison Pest Control

Spring Awakens Eight-Legged Pests

If you ask most people, spiders are not high on their list of insects that they are fond of.  In fact, some people are so afraid of spiders that they are diagnosed with having “arachnophobia”, which is otherwise known as “the fear of spiders”.

Spiders come in many different sizes and colors.  Most spiders are not seen during the winter months, with the exception of the occasional indoor visitor that creeps across the floor or walls.  Come springtime however, like with other types of insects, there appears to be a spider explosion both indoors and outdoors.

Spiders are considered to be beneficial creatures as they serve to reduce the amount of nuisance insects that plague humans.  Some spiders build elaborate webs where they live, breed, lay their eggs, and entrap their food.  Webs such as those created by the black widow are spun haphazardly, to and fro with no pattern.  The black widow spider is one type of spider that will wait in the nest, or in a corner nearby, for an insect to become entrapped.  Once snared, the spider will quickly approach and deliver a deadly bite before eating its victim.  Some types of spiders such as the wolf spider will not spin a web but rather hunts its prey either day or night.  Wolf spiders are large and imposing figures but the pose no trouble for humans or pets.

The mere presence of spiders can be extremely frightening for many people which are why hiring a Monmouth County, NJ pest control professional is important. The trained technicians at Allison Pest Control will not only be able to eliminate spiders from the interior and exterior of your home, they will be able to eliminate other types of pests from gaining entry by creating a protective barrier around your home so that pests will not be able to come


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