Don’t Let Carpenter Ants Carve Their Way Into Your NJ Home

Spring is quickly arriving with subtle warm temperatures here and there.  The hint of spring serves as a reminder to homeowners that various types of ants will soon be on the move, ready to expand their colonies and invade NJ homes.  Some types of ants like the odorous house ant, the Argentine ant, and the Pharaoh ant are considered to be a nuisance pest.  While their invasion is annoying and they will destroy stored food, they will not cause structural damage to a home.

Carpenter ants on the other hand are a year-round pest which threatens New Jersey properties as well as those in other areas of the United States. Carpenter ants are initially attracted to wet or decaying wood that is located outdoors or indoors.  Plumbing that is in disrepair with leaking pipes will subsequently cause wet wood to develop and attract carpenter ants.

Unlike termites which devour all types of wood sources, arpenter ants do not eat wood.  Carpenter ants instead are a serious threat because of the large galleries that they form which serves as place to rear their young.  Many NJ home and business owners are surprised to learn that carpenter ants are capable of causing as much damage to a structure as the dreaded termite.

Carpenter ants are the largest ant species that exist in New Jersey.  They are easy to spot and are black, brown, or black and red in color.  Because they reside both indoors and outdoors, they will cause damage to trees as well as homes.

A Monmouth County, NJ pest control professional will be able to find carpenter ant nests and determine the best course of treatment to eradicate the pests. For carpenter ant problems in New Jersey, contact Allison Pest Control.


