Allison Pest Control

Bed Bugs Causing Trouble in Canadian Hospital

It seems to be common sense that when bed bugs are found in a hospital by a relative who is visiting, that the pests are reported.  After the pests are found, it would seem logical that a licensed pest control expert is called to the scene to eradicate the insects.

In the United States, when bed bugs have been found in a hospital, it is big news!  Hospitals often shift patients from place to place as the entire wing undergoes pest control services.  No hospital wants to be known as one that is passing bed bugs on to others in the public, and worse yet they do not want to be known as a hospital that has bed bugs biting their patients.  Bed bugs are a public relations nightmare that must be addressed swiftly!

Global Toronto reported on December 30, 2012 that a woman ho complained about bed bugs biting residents at a veteran’s hospital in Toronto, Canada faced serious repercussions from hospital staff.  Reports are that after the complaint was made and while visiting her 91 year old father, the woman was escorted out of the building by security officers and police.  She was further told that she was not allowed to enter the building again for any reason in the future or she would be arrested!  As the story was reported, the woman had to send someone to gather her elderly father so that he could spend his 70th anniversary with his 93 year old wife.  This situation is absolutely unbelievable and one that would not be tolerated for one day in the United States!

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