New Jersey Stink Bugs…They’re Back!

So this is how it went this weekend… One of my children screamed “The lamp is on fire, there is smoke coming out of it.”  That quick run downstairs nearly stopped me dead in my tracks!  No, the lamp was not on fire, but a stink bug sure was!  The stench he left in his wake was not only enough to make a trash collector hurl, it was like someone sprayed tear gas directly in my eyes.  I struggled to find the outlet to pull the plug!

They’re back and apparently with a vengeance.  The Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs are awakening from their long winters nap a wee bit early thanks to the unseasonably warm winter this year.  Is it just me or do these prehistoric looking stinky pests that are emerging appear to be bigger than ever before?

Besides being as pungent as ever, they are still slow and stupid.  Indoors you will likely find them creeping towards windows likely trying to find a way back outdoors.  Hint…don’t help them!  Exterminators in Monmouth County, NJ recommend carefully picking up stink bugs that you find indoors with a tissue and giving them the porcelain plunge…i.e. flush them!

The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug is considered to be a major agricultural pest, especially in the northeast.  They have a large appetite for a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.  Not really having a mouth, they use their elongated proboscises to puncture fruit so that they can drain all of the sugars out of it.  This results in complete damage to the fruit or vegetable that they have attacked.

Stink bugs will soon be found hanging out on the exterior of your home during the late afternoon hours.  This is the best time for an exterminator in Monmouth County, NJ to provide perimeter pest control treatment.