Allison Pest Control

The Development Process of the Odious Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a major problem in New Jersey. The odious NJ Bed Bugs suck blood out of people without apologizing. Why do bed bugs desire blood meals? Bed bugs need blood to develop and reproduce.

Bed bugs go through five stages of development before they become adult bed bugs. They need a blood meal between each growth stage. As baby bed bugs develop, they become darker and larger until they become adults. The development from the egg to adulthood takes about one and a half to two months. However, the development period may take longer if bed bugs have limited access to blood meals or they’re living in cool temperatures.

Bed bugs use pheromones and kairomones to communicate regarding feeding, nesting locations and reproduction. Female bed bugs typically lay five eggs at a time. Adult females can lay up to 500 eggs in a lifetime. If you find bed bugs or bed bug eggs in your residence immediately contact an effective NJ pest control company. The longer you wait the more money it will cost you.

The eggs are laid singly in the same locations which harbor adult bed bugs and larvae. Bed bug eggs are found in locations such as mattresses, thin crevices in box springs as well as under base boards. These locations are typically marked by masses of blackish looking bed bug feces. The feces include the remains of digested blood. Large concentrations of the critters are often accompanied by a sweetish odor produced by secretions from scent glands.

Bed bug eggs typically take about 11 days to hatch. Baby bed bugs are known as nymphs. Adult bed bugs live for approximately one year. Get rid of baby bed bugs before they become adults and produce more bed bugs in your home.

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