Protect Yourself From Deer Ticks

New Jersey pest control experts say that deer tick populations continue to thrive in wooded areas, parks, wetlands, and front and backyard areas throughout New Jersey.  Residents can easily encounter deer ticks as these bloodsucking pests quietly sneak up on their unsuspecting victim that is outdoors during work or playtime.

High deer tick populations can be found in grassy and wooded sites, preferably where moisture is present.  Once hatched, a deer tick has three life stages and requires a blood meal to progress through each stage.  In order to survive, deer ticks must locate and feed off of a different host (human or animal), in order to complete their life stage.  Unlike a mosquito, which bites with quite a pinch, a tick bite is painless.

Deer ticks are dangerous to humans and pets because they are a vector of Lyme disease.  Lyme disease has now been reported worldwide, with documented cases throughout the entire United States.  Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island and New Jersey have the highest incidents of reported Lyme disease cases.  Some scientists are now concerned that the American Dog Tick may also be a carrier of Lyme disease and research is ongoing to determine if the tick is as dangerous as the deer tick.  Statistically, most cases of Lyme disease occur between May and July, which is when people tend to be more active outdoors.

Not all tick species are infected with Lyme disease.  Depending on the species and geographic region, 2 to 90 percent of the ticks have been found to be infected with the dangerous disease.  It’s best to keep your home free from wandering ticks by protecting the perimeter of your home with a Home Protection Service Plan from a New Jersey pest control professional like Allison Pest Control.  Call us today for a free pest inspection in Monmouth, Ocean, and Middlesex Counties!