New Jersey Pest Control Professionals Say To Watch Out For Deer Ticks

There are many types of insects that seek out human and animal blood for their survival.  These bloodsuckers typically leave behind a trail of red itchy welts that can last for several days.  Most people do not face any serious health risk from the bites of most types of insects, other than a secondary infection from the scratching.

There are some exceptions that people should be wary of as the warm weather arrives.  The blacklegged tick species, which are also known as “deer ticks” are a serious threat to New Jersey residents.

The tiny sesame seed sized deer tick can be found in grassy areas, wooded areas, and fields.  Male ticks are black in color and female ticks have a red abdomen and a black shield near their head.  Adult tick populations are most abundant during the months of March through April, and then again from September through November, but ticks of all sizes are still a threat throughout the spring and summertime months.  The deer ticks intended victim is mainly deer, dogs, cats, horses, and other types of animals.  Human hosts are accidental, but a beneficial encounters for the deer tick.

Deer ticks are known transmitters of Lyme disease which can be very debilitating if contracted.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that there are more than 35,000 confirmed or probable cases of Lyme disease each year in the United States.  Lyme disease symptoms include headaches, flu-like symptoms, a bull’s-eye type rash from the tick bite, and swelling of the joints.  Left untreated, Lyme disease may develop into worse symptoms that may last for many years.

New Jersey pest control experts report that you can avoid dangerous deer tick encounters by using a quality Home Pest Control Service Plan.  Allison Pest Control provides expert NJ pest control treatments for a variety of troublesome pests in Monmouth, Ocean, and Middlesex Counties.